About Meditation at Poulstone Retreat and Meditation Centre

“Illuminate the Mind and Shine”

Meditation and Enlightened Living

Meditation in the Living Tradition of the Himalayan Masters – “The Royal Path”

Meditation has become a generic term used in a variety of ways which includes philosophical inquiry, contemplation, prayer and so on. There are various types of meditative practices. Some defined by their heritage of which, Tao, Jain, Sufi and Buddhist are examples. And others even describe activities such as swimming, running, working hard at a task as meditative.

The word meditation has entered into common parlour usage but in the tradition of the Himalayan Masters it has a specific meaning.

The dictionary definition describes meditation as the act or process of meditating, a devotional exercise of or leading to contemplation, a contemplative discourse, usually on a religious or philosophical subject. The main ingredients of this dictionary definition include contemplation and a spiritual focus.

The system of meditation in the tradition of the Himalayan Masters gently peels away the layers that cover our own reality. This is done through training the Mind by initially creating mental grooves, known as “samskaras” or mental habits, conducive to moving inwards. In this way the Mind is made a tool in which it assists in the process of its own unfoldment. One learns to appreciate the subtleties to and of the Mind in this journey of its own self discovery. This unfoldment of the Mind opens up an existence of an awareness that moves from its engagement with the external world of senses to the internal world of Mind. The journey of this awareness is the Royal Path.

The Royal Path finds its roots in the tradition of the Himalayan Masters. Its heritage is rooted in India and some of the Masters in the tradition include Kapila the founder of Samkhya philosophy, Narada, the primordial sage, Sanatkumar, Parashurama and Shankacharya. All have been written about extensively. The tradition is non-religious and teaches at its most fundamental, we are already divine we just need to learn to be human and value our humanness.  It is a tradition that stretches many thousands of years and through trial and error, insights have been passed from teacher to student in the caves of those divine Himalayan mountains on the practices and techniques of meditation and the resultant blossoming Mind.

It is these insights that are shared in the teachings of the Royal Path. There are no pre requisites to follow the Royal Path but an intuitive understanding that life offers us all the source material required to enable growth at every level.  In this way one develops determination or sankalpa to journey this path known as The Royal Path.

Rajesh Rai

12 October 2012

Overview of Meditation classes at Poulstone Retreat and Meditation Centre


Overview of Meditation classes at Poulstone Retreat and Meditation Centre 

“Illuminate the Mind and Shine”

You can learn Meditation at Poulstone Retreat Centre and if you are interested, please let us know.

The Royal Path Series is rooted in the Living Tradition of the Himalayan Masters and consist of 5 classes of 1 hr 15mins duration for each level. There are three levels of classes; A Beginners class, an Intermediate class and Advanced Classes.

Classes will also be available on Zoom platform

Beginners Classes. “Accessing the Meditative Mind”

Beginners class requires no previous experience of Meditation.

The teaching is systematic and spread over 5 classes. The course teaches deep relaxation, the  importance of the sitting position, working with breath, recognising the relationship between Mind and Breath, the meditative focal point for the mind.

There will be discussions in developing concentration and the philosophy of Meditation.

By the end of this course, it is hoped that the student is be able to sit and and enjoy their meditation practice for at least 20 minutes.

The cost of each class will be £12*

The Intermediate Classes: “Being with the Meditative Mind”

The Royal Path Series Intermediate classes requires some experience of Meditation and ideal for those who have completed the beginners classes. The Intermediate classes work on the foundation created in the beginners class and introduces the use of mantra, how to use a  mala,  pranayama techniques for Meditation, fire havan and the practice of Bhuta Shuddhi. By the end of the 5 classes the seeker’s experience of Meditation will be more immersive and these auxiliary practices will further provide an anchor to the practice of Meditation.

The cost of each class will be £12*

Advanced Classes. “Beyond the Meditative Mind”

The Royal Path series Advanced classes are suitable for those who have been meditating for a long period of time, those who have been initiated into a mantra practice or for those who have completed the intermediate classes.

These classes teach advanced Meditation and Pranayama practices, experiencing and working with  the subtle bodies, fire havan, working with mantras and their evolution through repetition. These classes will assist in the absorption into the practice for significant periods of time.

There is no charge for Advanced classes, although voluntary work at Poulstone is welcomed.

 Weekend Retreats

From time to time weekend programmes will also be offered, which include

  • Mantra and Meditation
  • The Practice of Bhūta Shuddhi Meditation, Cleansing the Elements; Basic form and Sound
  • Practices from Sandhyo Pāsanā, A Twilight Meditation imbibing GAYATRI MANTRA
  • Agnihotra Havan Practices
  • The Mahamrutunjaya Mantra
  • The Journey of a blossoming Mind: The Sutras of Patanjali in the context of Meditation
  • Pilgrimages to sacred sites of India and United Kingdom
  • Pranayāma practices for Meditation


*If you have difficulty paying for classes, voluntary work at Poulstone will be welcomed instead of payment